

Here’s our plan

We have big plans, starting with a small farm in Gloucestershire. This is our testing ground on which we aim to show that small, mixed, regenerative farms can be viable. That means making a profit growing fantastic food while enhancing the wildlife around us and getting lots of people involved in the process.


All food in England is grown regeneratively for local humans.


Support 100 small-scale farms on their regenerative journeys by 2030.


Explorative: sometimes we do listen to our mothers’ wisdom, and sometimes we decide to ignore it wholeheartedly and make our own mistakes.

Bold: we are aware that some people won’t like what we are doing – putting up polytunnels, planting trees in the middle of what were perfectly good mono-species fields, but we are ok with that.

Hungry: we are keen to learn, to engage and to connect with other people doing things differently.

Collaborative: we realise that even if we get everything right and produce fantastic food, we are but a small drop in a large ocean. We collaborate to learn, to connect with those around us and to help propagate new ideas.

Fun: we try not to take ourselves too seriously.  Serious is tiring.


We want to help reverse the loss of biodiversity in Britain. Where conventional farming methods often make things worse, we want to promote regeneration – starting with Hammonds Farm.

By encouraging wildflowers, increasing hedgerows and establishing pollinator borders within our system, we will see an increase in biodiversity.

Social capital

We want to move away from the stereotypical farmer (old, white, male and broken) and develop a more flexible team approach to managing a farm.

We aim to get more people into meaningful employment and empower them to develop their own paths.

When people work towards a shared goal, personal and community resilience develops too.


We are a for-profit business.

Relying on charity or fickle government grants can be highly risky and unsustainable.

We believe that regenerative methods can improve ecological and health outcomes, as well as allowing farms to remain viable and profitable.

Our Farming Approach

Learn more about our approach to farming here.